About us

Professional Painting Wagga Wagga

Our Painting Services:


Internal Painting


External Painting


Residential Painting


Commercial Painting

Your Local Painters in Wagga

A team of honest, local house painters in Wagga Wagga who are excellent at what they do. 

Simply put that’s who we are.

Modest? maybe not, but we have the skills to back it up.

Painting your home or commercial property is an investment, you’re investing resources, whether time or money into improving the appearance of the interior or exterior walls and ceiling.

You’ll thank yourself for this investment for years to come.

Painting is the single most cost effective way to spruce up an existing property.

Add instant street appeal with a modern fresh new colour, shed decades off the appearance of your home or business.

Your eyes will be soothed by a smooth, even and crisp paint job for years to come.

Many people try to paint on their own, we aren’t here to recommend that you don’t because it’s a good experience.

More goes into painting your home than just painting. It’s the preparation phase that is the culprit for most short cuts taken. We strongly advise you to not take short cuts in the preparation phase of painting.

Preparing the surface whether through sanding, stripping wall paper, cleaning the surfaces and repairing any areas that need restoration. These are incredibly important is determining the success of the paint job and mostly how long it lasts for.

Our team of professional painters in Wagga Wagga have learnt this over the years, to invest the time and necessary resources into prepping the area properly before painting begins. And we will most definitely do the same for your property.

When it comes to colour selection, our painting team will also help you (if you require, some people don’t need our help here) in choosing the optimum colour and type of paint for the project.

Contact your local painters today and get FREE painting quotes for your painting projects, your budget and what we can do to find a great solution for you.

High Quality Painting in Wagga Wagga

Work with a team of professional painters that are reliable, affordable and are really good at what they do.

Professional Painting Services Wagga Wagga

external painters in wagga wagga

Exterior Painting Wagga Wagga

Services include:

  • Exterior Wall Painting
  • Roof and gutter painting
  • Fence Painter
  • Deck painter
house painter Wagga Wagga NSW

Interior Painting Wagga Wagga

Services include:

  • Interior Wall Painting
  • Wet area painting
  • Ceiling painting
  • Kitchen painting 

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    Servicing Wagga Wagga and Surrounding Areas


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